
Asking Smart Questions vs. Asking Great Questions

Having learned from life, family, school and university, I grew up asking supposedly, the smartest questions, that are so, according to their standards.  They were apparently, expected.

Only after having asked so many stupid questions I was able to improve. Every time I asked why questions, I got the "what kind of a stupid question is that" look from my teachers & colleagues.

Try doing that. I promise you, you will get that reaction.

In the next post, I will portray the difference between what and why and what they are about, and how one should see them.

Please take note that asking the smart questions (which start with something like 'what') can make you a smart and a favorite student. I kid you not.

Quote by Eleanor Roosevelt (1884, 1962)

1 comment:

  1. loool.. i believe asking stupid questions make you smart and not asking them makes you stupid for not knowing the answers lool =p
