
Uniqueness is very common

Gerbera Gallery ((c) different owners flickr)

We have long devoted serious effort to be different, become unique and

Because the ego loves exaggerating its own worth, it keeps drawing lines, elevates itself (and you in the process) to be above the rest of the world, inflating with emptiness.

Fact is, we were born different. From different parents, in different places, on different dates. We keep forgetting this simple fact.

Nobody is the same... we're all equally alike in terms of uniqueness.


  1. أي والله وإنتي الصاجة

    بس المشكلة إنه في ناس مو راضيه تفهم ويقومون ويتصنعون ويتكلمون كلهم بطريقة معينة مبين إنها دلع و مو صج.. لبس معين.. كله تقليد أعمى

    أي ليش محد راضي يقتنع إنه كل واحد له شخصيته معينة..؟

  2. wow! thats so true!! and well said!

  3. 9aaa7 ilsaaaanich;) ee walla 9idagtay..
    loved it;)
