
The conspiracy behind the conspiracy theory

New World Order (NWO), the Illuminati, Freemasonry, communism, socialism and terrorism are labels that are used to define a vague enemy. This enemy has large scale manipulative plots that shall bring the world to its tragic end.

Now, even if there is truth in the theories of conspiracy, why do we spend our precious time on learning & teaching them?

Here is the deal, conspiracy is like office gossip: a very interesting scoop of juicy stories about people (we don't care about) but, we still waste our precious time and attention over.

These things occupy the vacant mind and keep it wandering around with out a purpose (now try saving the world, voltron)

We can not counter these conspiracies because in reality there will always be some one plotting and manipulating for their own gain, with and with out considering the consequences.

(c) Image courtesy of Aaron Jay


Solving problems and resolving conflicts with Conflict Resolution Model

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This is a guide for conflict resolving, the first three are irrational, emotion-based responses and the later three are rational. Remember that rational way is not always the best way.